18 Feb Unique Ideas for Your Music Curriculum
Ready to spice up your music curriculum? Panyard’s Jumbie Jams are a unique option when it comes to adding traditional instruments to your lesson plans. Students of all ages love this easy to learn and easy to play instrument.
As we’ve said in previous blogs, forming a steel band in middle school, high school or even college offers a wide range of benefits to your students. But if you’re not ready to take the leap and create an entire steel pan band, our Jumbie Jams offer the opportunity to experiment with just a few.
1. Add a handful of Jumbie Jams for less than $1,000
Our Jumbie Jams offer the perfect entry-level experience to students of any age. These can be used one on one, or in large group settings.
Our Jumbies cost just between $269.95-$334.95 each. We also offer four-packs at a discounted rate. Jumbies can be added to an existing curriculum like Orff, or played by specific students as part of a larger band.
“A school my size (120 graduates a year) can afford any instrument under $2000 on a yearly basis,” said Director of Bands Eric Schrader, Greenville High School. “Most quality brands of instruments, like tenor saxes, bass clarinets, and intermediate horn types cost at least $1500 and more often than not, close to $2000. With the price of a steel drum under $2000, all schools can afford pans and promote this wonderful art form.”
Adding Jumbies to your curriculum provides students with a variety of sights and sounds in the classroom.
2. Add a few weeks of Jumbie Jams to your music curriculum
Consider adding steel drums to your already existing curriculum by carving out a few special weeks toward the end of the year. You could even partner with multiple schools in your area and each spend a few weeks learning the instruments. Make it something the students can look forward to, and build up as much excitement as you can around those few special weeks.
Teacher Mary Beth Kell describes the Jumbie Jam steel drums as fun and easy.
“My kindergarteners loved playing them and their focus was incredible!” she said in an email to Panyard. ”The various levels of music from pre-reading to actual music gave every student an opportunity for success. Many students come in at recess to get extra playing time. I am using them in K-6 and now our teachers want a steel drum band. As an educator, I love that they were affordable, easy to assemble, and the quality of sound is great!”
A few of the skills your students will learn include:
- Sight reading
- Rhythm
- Fine motor skills
- Ear training
- And even the history of another culture
3. Other unique instruments
Adding a unique instrument like the Jumbie Jam is sure to excite your students, but other instruments can do the trick as well. Consider adding:
- Rhythm sticks
- Hand drums
- Boomwhackers
- Tamborines
- Triangles
- Wrist bells
- Egg shakers
- And, of course, larger steel pans!
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